NOOMA PilotI am standing in a Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital operating room like a pancake, pressed flat against a wall, wedged between a GE…Dec 19, 2021Dec 19, 2021
I am ready, and I am good.Most people are never “ready” to be a parent. Whether it’s an unplanned pregnancy at 17, going through the adoption process, using a…May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
A Product Designer’s Perspective: Physical, Emotional & Social Consequences of Subpar or…General gaps in healthcare come in many flavors: malfunctioning of a tool or process, the absence of a tool or process, lack of a shared…Jul 2, 2019Jul 2, 2019
Liquid Gold: How Colostrum Saves MoneySasha had given birth to preterm twins at 30 weeks. She was instructed to pump and hand-express her colostrum into a bottle or medicine…Aug 1, 2017Aug 1, 2017
Product Development & Commercialization As Endurance SportI took up running a little over a year ago. I could run at best two miles, and at the end of my run I would feel exhausted. Even worse, I…Jun 15, 2017Jun 15, 2017
Don’t Ask Me To Normalize Your AddictionToday, while getting my haircut, my hairdresser, Kelly, noticed I looked down and asked what was wrong. I told her about the work I’ve been…Aug 4, 2016Aug 4, 2016
Empathy LearningsI’m co-teaching a course this summer at Stanford’s d. School with Dr. Henry Lee, Hamsika Chandrasekar and Seamus Harte called “Gaining…Aug 2, 2016Aug 2, 2016
A (extraordinary) Day In My LifeI am inspired to write about an extraordinary day I experienced at a children’s hospital in California. A little background first: for the…Jun 24, 2016Jun 24, 2016
Published inStanford d.schoolDesigning for safety in labor & deliveryA teaching team that combines a designer and a clinician is a must for classes in healthcare design and was, as a result, essential for…May 2, 2016May 2, 2016